Place: National Museum of Archeology, Lisbon, Portugal

Date: April, 1-2, 2019



Second international meeting of the project partners. Exchange of experiences among the museums (technical teams of work + cultural volunteering) based on the agreements taken at the 1st Meeting in Mérida (December 2018) and measures to be adopted. Assessment of possible adjustments in planning and formative evaluation.


  • Work meeting of the members of the work team. Presentation of the technical reports of the Volunteer groups of each of the centers.
  • Presentation of the Evaluation Test: assessment of results.
  • Exchange of experiences. Meeting with the coordinator and those responsible for cultural volunteers of the National Museums of Portugal.
  • Presentation of the Project Image: identity and communication manual.
  • Meeting with the media.
  • Presentation of the Website Project “Learning and Teaching…”.



  • Promotion of the collaborative work of the participating institutions with a view to achieving the project’s objectives.
  • Implementation of the proposal of evaluation of the profile of the groups of cultural volunteers of the three museums attached to the project (by the collaborators of the Autonomous University of Madrid).
  • Definition of criteria for good practices in the training work and development of cultural volunteers in the Museums.
  • Definition of the objectives for the evaluation of the training programs for volunteers that will be established at the next transnational meeting to be held in Rome in June 2019.
  • Determination of the corporate image that will represent the Project during its development, and promotion in the development of an Official Website that will give it greater visibility.




Future lines of action:

In view of the Second Transnational Meeting scheduled to be held in Rome at the Museum of the Imperial Forums (Italy) in June 2019, the following issues will be addressed:

  • Definition of the volunteering profile of the Lisbon and Rome cases.
  • Establishment of a Work Plan for the next evaluation phase.
  • Strengthening of joint communication of the institutions involved in the project.

Proyect 2018-1-ES01-KA204-050581. This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This website reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be heldresponsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.